Sunday, September 4, 2011

Software Asset Management: Software Licensing Agreements - Enterprises Be Careful of What You're Signing!

Software Asset Management: Software Licensing Agreements - Enterprises Be Careful of What You're Signing!
Seeing a lot of trends based on the size of a company. One disturbing trend I've seen lately applies primarily to the Company's customers rely on their Procurement department to negotiate all contracts.

Procurement is a key player in any negotiations, but I think it's risky to rely entirely on them to complete the software license agreement.

What may seem benign Procurement experts can easily send a red warning signal for licensing experts. Negotiation costs should be combined to a single issuer. While we can often get re-negotiated the deal after the issuer has been made ​​aware of the situation and their eyes are on the payroll ...

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Software Asset Management: Software Licensing Agreements - Enterprises Be Careful of What You're Signing!
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1 comment:

  1. Nice Asset Management Software information. Its very useful for me and other. Thanks for sharing.

    Asset Management Software


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