Once you try to convince prospects to buy your product, but in fact they still say "no". Prospects do not want to buy your product.
As a marketer or a great marketer, you certainly will not back away. The principle is the marketers topnotch "Rejection is the prospect of delayed purchases."
So what should be done?
Let's start with an example. Suppose you are trying to sell a piece of software. You say if the price is $ 10 million. The prospect was shook by the number of digits you say. He felt the price was too expensive.
What you need to immediately do next is to perform a balancing technique circumstances, that is to say the benefits are acquired. Mention the advantages of your product and say that the benefits that she can not nothing compared to the benefits he can
If it turns out he was still saying "no", you do not give up. Inhale first and it's time to step into option 2. Give the price according to the estimates limits the ability of prospects. Then come back to convey the benefits gained prospects.
Maybe then you'll see the prospect began to look interested in getting your product. When you see those signals, meaning he most likely ready to buy. Try to do the closing!
But if it's an offer you do not already received a positive response, time to move to option 3, which is trying to do the approach again based on their needs unmet. Suppose you could say: "I'll come back again and bring solutions that meet all the needs of the father / mother, including the price. About me there is a time when to meet again? Monday or Tuesday? "
Prospects will be happy with your approach to this. They still have a chance to meet these needs, and your job as a marketer is to bridge the needs of prospects with solutions that jitu.Tips above is an example implementation of marketing strategy of the street.
In the online business principle is actually not much different. Only difference in the online is more convenient because you do not have to run to and fro to meet prospects. Simply from the front of the computer, you can market products all over the world.
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